Twoje Dziecko ma dostęp do sklepu z aplikacjami? Uważaj na jego wydatki! Bardzo szybko możesz stracić duże pieniądze!


W artykule przytaczamy prawdziwą historię naszej Klientki, która straciła blisko 1000 zł w wyniku udostępnienia dziecku możliwości robienia zakupów w sklepie z aplikacjami.


One click and 1000 zł less in the wallet!

Towards the end of November last year, we received a report from our client that Google Play was charging her credit card for an amount of 499 PLN.

It turned out that the payments were not related to CALMEAN, but to purchases made by her child in the Google Play store.

However, we charge fees strictly according to our pricing policy However, we charge fees strictly according to our price list and it is our client who decides how much they pay. As long as the client does not unsubscribe, there is no possibility of changing the amount, let alone changing it to an amount that is not in our price list!



For us, it was clear that the client was being charged for other services or had fallen victim to fraud or data theft. We received an email confirmation of two charges made through Google Play in the amount of 499 PLN each! Indeed, it’s a significant amount of money. Unfortunately, the payment confirmation only showed the name of the Google PLAY operator and a short symbol. Unfortunately, it was difficult to determine the beneficiary of the charges based only on the payment confirmation, which showed only the Google Play operator and a short symbol.


Kontroluj aktywność dziecka na telefonie!

It wasn’t until we contacted Google that everything was clarified. The client wasn’t a victim of fraud or data theft! She fell victim to her own child! It turned out that the child was given a phone to play with, and the mother’s payment card was linked to the Google Play account. It downloaded games and apps on the phone that were not free. The result was that the mother had to pay an amount of 1000 PLN or even more for giving the child access to this possibility. It was said that she was unaware that her child was using the phone in this way and downloading paid apps and games… Unfortunately, by the time she became aware of it, it was already too late…

Therefore, let’s pay attention to what our child is doing on their own or shared phone and never give them the opportunity to make purchases in the app store! Unless we have control over it and link it to what is called a “parental account”. pre-paid card for their expenses. Otherwise, we may be in for an unpleasant surprise. Sometimes just one click is enough to accept downloading a paid application. If the payment card is linked to our Google account, there is a risk of unintentional authorization of these charges. In some cases, depending on our settings, Google may not always ask for permission to charge us.

CALMEAN provides a parental control app for your child’s phone, which will protect you from these types of unpleasant situations. The Parental Control app allows you to even block your child’s access to the app store. It can do much more.

If you are interested in our application and would like to install it on your child’s phone, please check our knowledge base where you can find information on how to correctly install it.




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